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Knowledge Base for Julia

Have questions about using the Julia programming panguage with Banyan? Running into Banyan Julia issues? Check this document to see if your question is answered. If it isn't, don't hesitate to reach out to us at or on the Banyan Users Slack.

Unsatisfiable package requirements

When adding packages to your project, you might see an issue explaining that there is a conflict between requirements of different packages. This might mean you simply need to use a different version and then try adding the package (or resolving or instantiating) again.

Other times, the issue might be because the registry that your packages come from needs to be reset.

(local) pkg> add Banyan
   Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Banyan [706d138b]:
 Banyan [706d138b] log:
 ├─Banyan [706d138b] has no known versions!
 └─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement — no versions left


ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package AWSS3 [1c724243]:
 AWSS3 [1c724243] log:
 ├─AWSS3 [1c724243] has no known versions!
 └─restricted to versions 0.7.7 by an explicit requirement — no versions left

The simplest resolution (source) might be removing the General registry and then trying again.

(@v1.5) pkg> registry rm General
  Removing registry `General` from ~/.julia/registries/General

Remember that you can enter the pkg> mode by typing ] in the Julia REPL. When entering the Julia REPL, you may want to just type julia but other times you want to use the Julia environment in a particular directory with julia --project=..

Cannot merge projects

If you get an ERROR: can not merge projects, it might mean that you ned to delete one or more Manifest.toml files (maybe in a test/ directory) and potentially also apply the (or ] dev) command again to use the local copies of packages.

Managing different versions of Julia

Use julialauncher and juliaup (install v1.2.15 here).